Chief George "Silverwolf" Jennings
"Aho", let us give thanks and remember the ancient ones, our ancestors, and our elders without whom we would not be. Let the will of the creater be done. let this website be a tool that will contribute to the historical, cultural, and humanitarian goals and mission of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe.
Welcome to Seaconke Wampanaog Please explore our website and learn more about our tribal projects, functions, and fund raisers. Your support is vital to our mission. I look forward to meeting and spending time with you at one of our many public and tribal functions.
George "Silverwolf" Jennings
"Old Town Hall"
December 18, 2013 - The Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe and the Town of Seekonk signed an agreement for the tribe to lease the Old Seekonk Town Hall.
It has been the long sought goal of the tribe to have a tribal meeting house, cultural center, museum, and place to call home. This goal has been accomplished and the dream fulfilled.
The tribe has entered a 30 year lease with the town of Seekonk and will operate the "Old Town Hall" as a town hall for the citizens and members of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe.
Although the goal has been achieved the mission has just begun. The Old Town Hall is 19th century municipal building that has fallen into disrepair. The Town has put over $100,000.00 into demolishing, architectural plans, removing asbestos, mold, and lead paint. Next on their list will be to replace the roof and gutters.
The tribe, in the near future must fulfill its obligation to install bathrooms, handicap access, and renovations to the common meeting area. For this we ask for your help. We must raise the funds to start these goals. Please turn to the Seaconke Wampanoag, Inc page to see how you can help or send a direct donation in any amount to:
Seaconke Wampanoag, Inc.
Old Town Hall Project
412 Taunton Ave
Seekonk, Ma. 02771
Your donation will be greatly appreciated and is tax deductible.
The Seaconke Wampanaog Tribe is on Twitter.
Join the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe on Twitter, pictures, news, bulletins, information up to the minute at
Join the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe on Facebook. Talk to tribal family and freinds on Facebook.
Join us at WWW.Seaconke.Com

This website is dedicated to the broadcast of news and information pertaining to projects and fundraising of the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe. The "Black Goose" tribe of Annawan, inhabitants of Seaconke,Pokanoket Territory, Wampanoag Nation.
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